Resisting unprecedented political and ideological pressure—including public violence and an attempted assassination of a sitting Justice—the U.S. Supreme Court just issued two 6-3 decisions demonstrating the majority’s resolve. In Bruen, the Court struck down New York state’s discretionary handgun licensing law, as a violation of the 2nd Amendment. In Dobbs, it ruled that there is no Constitutional right to abortion, as asserted by Roe, and that therefore states, not federal courts, have jurisdiction over abortion law. Was the Court wise—or foolish—to turn a blind eye to public opinion regarding these momentous rulings?
In this twenty-sixth episode of Independent Outlook, David Theroux, Williamson Evers, and Graham Walker examine California's vaccine mandates for children; the weaponizing of the...
In this far-reaching and compelling Independent Conversation, bestselling author, economist and futurist George F. Gilder is interviewed by Dr. Graham H. Walker (Executive Director,...
Independent Institute Chairman and CEO Mary L. G. Theroux interviews Senior Fellow Christopher Coyne on his new book, In Search of Monsters to Destroy,...