Independent Institute Podcast

Independent Institute Podcast features two series: Independent Outlook and Independent Conversations. Independent Outlook is a regular round-table conversation that provides timely insights and cutting-edge commentary on the most pressing issues of the day. It features ...more

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Latest Episodes

November 10, 2022 01:06:06
Midterm Elections Red Ripple—Good or Bad for Liberty? | Independent Outlook 47

Midterm Elections Red Ripple—Good or Bad for Liberty? | Independent Outlook 47

It looks like American voters were not as alarmed about inflation and the sagging economy as many people thought they were. On a possibly...


November 01, 2022 01:03:01
Paypal Goes Political, Ukraine Towards the Brink, Harris Hurricane Relief | Independent Outlook 46

Paypal Goes Political, Ukraine Towards the Brink, Harris Hurricane Relief | Independent Outlook 46

Is Russia getting desperate over Ukraine? Where could that lead, and what should the US do? Here at home, what in the world did...


September 20, 2022 01:09:53
Biden Buys College Vote, Lockdowns Lowered Learning, Historians Go Woke | Independent Outlook 45

Biden Buys College Vote, Lockdowns Lowered Learning, Historians Go Woke | Independent Outlook 45

Is President Biden’s massive student loan forgiveness really wise? Then looking at the K-12 world, teacher unions pushed hard to keep the schools closed...


August 12, 2022 01:07:20
Feds Raid Mar-a-Lago, Inflation Reduction Act Dishonesty, China & Taiwan,  | Independent Outlook 44

Feds Raid Mar-a-Lago, Inflation Reduction Act Dishonesty, China & Taiwan, | Independent Outlook 44

When Nancy Pelosi touched down in Taiwan, the lawless communist mainland government of China threw a fit; does their overreaction mean that the United...


July 27, 2022 00:52:33
Bipartisan Semiconductor Pork, Let's Redefine Recession, Fauci Doubles Down | Independent Outlook 43

Bipartisan Semiconductor Pork, Let's Redefine Recession, Fauci Doubles Down | Independent Outlook 43

What’s one thing both parties agree on? Subsidies for big businesses with lots of employees—even if it comes at the expense of taxpayers and...


June 29, 2022 01:08:03
Unflinching SCOTUS Hews to Text and History, On Guns and Abortion | Independent Outlook 41

Unflinching SCOTUS Hews to Text and History, On Guns and Abortion | Independent Outlook 41

Resisting unprecedented political and ideological pressure—including public violence and an attempted assassination of a sitting Justice—the U.S. Supreme Court just issued two 6-3 decisions...
