In this thirtieth episode of Independent Outlook, David Theroux, Williamson Evers, and Graham Walker examine the rapid spread, new revelations and foolish politics of the very mild Omicron variant of COVID-19; new SCOTUS challenge to Biden's vaccine mandates; defeat of Biden's mega-trillion dollar "Build Back Better" boondoggle; teachers unions and more unwarranted and harmful school lockdowns; folly and falsehoods of the "1619 Project" and Critical Race Theory; attacks on protesting parents as "domestic terrorists"; Bidenflation; voting rights; new developments in the Ukraine and Brazil; and more.
In this sixteenth episode of Independent Outlook, David Theroux, Williamson Evers, and Graham Walker examine immigration, the unprecedented border crisis and the welfare state;...
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, health care in America has not improved in the ways we were promised. In fact, inequalities...
How will civil liberties survive Syria’s convulsions? Do Trump’s national security appointees form a coherent team? Why is healthcare taking the spotlight now…but in...